Pepin Le Bref (The Short) Denier,

Source / Bibliothèque nationale de France
Source / Bibliothèque nationale de France
Source / Bibliothèque nationale de France

Minted at: Troyes, France

Notes: The second image shares a joke in addition to mentioning Pepin. It says for the 1000 years of Christianity party, Reims has only one exhibit. That is because there is only one pot left. (Attila the Hun stole all of the ceramic treasures at Reims. Each pot likely contained unique primary source for the bible). That pot is in French ´Porraypot´…or Pepin´s porridge pot if you will. Between the lines shows ´sulfuric acid´. Titanium Dioxide uses Sulfuric Acid in its making, meaning that exhibit was likely expected to be found by its glaze. Legend has it that Mary, the Holy Mother´s family started chronicling Jesus´ life from the time of the water into wine miracle. They had witnesses and documents and one very early Christian country put this primary bible source onto pots for people to have in their homes. Reims supposedly had a collection of these…that as mentioned was looted by Attila.

The first image works towards providing some fun by suggesting a 1000 years of Christianity party challenge between Rome and Carthage… which was better.. like possibly a competition to lure Peter away from choosing Rome as a headquarters because Carthage was better. Rome counters with Peter tried eating Chicken that Lucius Piso got the license for from China. Carthage didn´t have a license so they had no chickens to offer Peter. It then gets into serious detail on the actual ancestors of Pepin that were Roman because there is a genealogy section for the 1000 years´ party so that all those that are able to attend are able to know who their ancestors were when Christ was alive.

The first image also shows that while the 1 peseta coin always says on the back that Carthage had only 1 exhibit at the 500 year´s of Christianity Marseille and then Barcelona party, Carthage people shouldn´t feel inferior. Instead things are looking up as they might have three exhibits at the 1000 year´s party.

One of those exhibits is about how Mary´s family is from Damascus, Syria (they apparently lived there for a while) and how they have some relation to Alexander´s brother´s government there (Seleucas). Of course, it also points out that there was allegedly an ancestor named ´Alexander´, which would create a sort of rabbinical tradition within the family, if accurate.


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